Thursday, January 6, 2011

Maximum 1-D Sum

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_N     100

int dp_max(int a, int b)
     return (a > b) ? a : b ;

  * Problem - Maximum Value Contiguous Subsequence / Maximum 1-D sum
  * From a sequence of n integers a(1) ... a(n), determine a 
  * contiguous sub-sequence a(i) ... a(j) having the maximum sum of 
  * its elements.
int dp_max_contiguous_subseq(int *arr, int len)
     int i, j, m[MAX_N], max,
          s=0,     /* index of start of the sub-sequence */
          e=0 ;     /* index of end of the sub-sequence */

     if (arr[0]<0) max = 0 ;
     else max = arr[0] ;

     for (m[0]=arr[0], j=1; j<len; j++) {
          m[j] = dp_max(m[j-1]+arr[j], arr[j]) ;
          if (m[j]>=max) {
               max = m[j] ;
               e = j ;
               if (m[j] == arr[j])
                    s = j ;

     printf("\n\nMax Contiguous Sequence starts@ %d and ends@ %d and sums to %d\n", s, e, max) ;

     return max ;

int main()
     int i, arr[MAX_N] ;

     #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
     freopen("", "r", stdin) ;

     i = 0 ;
     while (scanf("%d", &arr[i]) != EOF) i++ ;
     dp_max_contiguous_subseq(arr, i) ;

     return 0;

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