/* Binary Search Tree */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct tree_node
struct tree_node *left ;
struct tree_node *right ;
struct tree_node *parent ;
int key ;
typedef struct tree_node *TREENODEPTR ;
TREENODEPTR bst_search(TREENODEPTR r, int k)
while (r != NULL && k != r->key)
if (k < r->key) r = r->left ;
else r = r->right ;
return r ;
r : points to root of the tree
n : pointer to the new node to be inserted
void bst_insert(TREENODEPTR *r, TREENODEPTR n)
while (x != NULL) {
p = x ;
if (n->key < x->key)
x = x->left ;
else x = x->right ;
n->parent = p ;
if (p == NULL)
*r = n ;
else if (n->key < p->key)
p->left = n ;
else p->right = n ;
void clear(TREENODEPTR r)
if (r==NULL)
return ;
if (r->left) clear(t, r->left) ;
if (r->right) clear(t, r->right) ;
free(r) ;
int main()
int n ;
TREENODEPTR root, tmp ;
freopen("bst.in", "r", stdin) ;
root = NULL ;
while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF) {
if ((tmp = bst_search(root, n)) == NULL) {
tmp = (TREENODEPTR) malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node)) ;
tmp->key = n ;
tmp->left = NULL ;
tmp->right = NULL ;
tmp->parent = NULL ;
bst_insert(&root, tmp) ;
else {
printf("Element [%d] already exists\n", n) ;
if (root) {
clear(root) ;
free(root) ;
return 0;
01 Knapsack
Ad Hoc
Binary Search Tree
Brute Force
Data Structures
Maximum 1-D Sum
Maximum Contiguous Sum
Priority Queues
Sieve of Atkins
UVaOJ Vol-102
UVaOJ Vol-109
UVaOJ Vol-5
Monday, January 24, 2011
Binary Search Tree
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Difference in time
Returns difference in time between a given start hour,
start min and end hour and end min
int difftime(int sh, int sm, int eh, int em)
int s, e ;
s = 60*(sh-0) + sm ;
e = 60*(eh-0) + em ;
e -=s ;
if (e < 0)
e += 60 * 24 ;
return e ;
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Josephus Problem
Given n (number of people) and m (every mth person eliminated), this code returns the index of the last person to be eliminated.
Josephus on wiki
Josephus on Wolfram MathWorld
Josephus on wiki
Josephus on Wolfram MathWorld
/* Josephus Problem */
#include <stdio.h>
#define CAL_UPTO 100000
int cq[CAL_UPTO + 1] ;
/* count e from p and return new p */
int move(int e, int p, int left, int n)
if (e==0) e=left ;
while (e>0) {
if (p>n) p = 1 ;
if (cq[p]==1) e-- ;
p++ ;
if (--p>n) p=1 ;
return p ;
/* out of n persons, eliminate every mth person */
/* returns the last survisor */
int compute(int n, int m)
int i, p=1, e, left=n, j ;
for (j=1; j<=n; j++) cq[j] = 1 ;
while (left) {
e = m%left ;
p = move(e, p, left, n) ;
if (!(p==0 || cq[p]==0)) cq[p] = 0, left-- ;
return p ;
int main()
int i, j, n, k ;
scanf("%d%d", &n, &k) ;
printf("Survivor: %d\n", i, compute(n, k)) ;
return 0;
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Prime Number Generator
The function sieveOfAtkin() generates all primes numbers up to (less than) the integer PRIMES_UPTO.
For an explanation of Sieves of Atkin method, see here. Also see Sieve of Eratosthenes of which Sieve of Atkins is an optimized version.
For an explanation of Sieves of Atkin method, see here. Also see Sieve of Eratosthenes of which Sieve of Atkins is an optimized version.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PRIMES_UPTO 100
int list[PRIMES_UPTO+1]={0,0,1,1},n;
int primes[PRIMES_UPTO] ;
/* flip() and clean() are supporting routines called by sieveOfAtkin()
int flip(void)
if (list[n]==1) list[n]=0;
else list[n]=1;
return 0;
int clean(int n, int upto)
int k,l=n*n,i;
for (i=2,k=l;k<=upto;i++,k=i*l) list[k]=0;
return 0;
/* Generates prime numbers upto the integer specified by PRIMES_UPTO.
Stores the result in the array primes[] and returns index of the
last prime number in the sequence.
int sieveOfAtkin(void)
int i, j, x, y, d_limit;
d_limit=(int)(sqrt((float) PRIMES_UPTO));
for (i=5;i<=PRIMES_UPTO;i++) list[i]=0;
for (x=1;x<=d_limit;x++) {
for (y=1;y<=d_limit;y++) {
if (n <= PRIMES_UPTO && (n % 12 == 1 || n % 12 == 5)) flip();
if (n <= PRIMES_UPTO && n % 12 == 7) flip();
if (x>y && n <= PRIMES_UPTO && n % 12 == 11) flip();
for (n=5;n<=d_limit;n++) {
if (list[n]) clean(n,PRIMES_UPTO);
for (i=2, j=0;i<=PRIMES_UPTO;i++) {
if (list[i]) primes[j++] = i ;
return j-1 ;
int main()
int i, k ;
printf("Prime numbers between 0 and %d:\n", PRIMES_UPTO) ;
k = sieveOfAtkin() ;
for (i=0; i<=k; i++)
printf("%d\n", primes[i]) ;
return 0;
Maximum 1-D Sum
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_N 100
int dp_max(int a, int b)
return (a > b) ? a : b ;
* Problem - Maximum Value Contiguous Subsequence / Maximum 1-D sum
* From a sequence of n integers a(1) ... a(n), determine a
* contiguous sub-sequence a(i) ... a(j) having the maximum sum of
* its elements.
int dp_max_contiguous_subseq(int *arr, int len)
int i, j, m[MAX_N], max,
s=0, /* index of start of the sub-sequence */
e=0 ; /* index of end of the sub-sequence */
if (arr[0]<0) max = 0 ;
else max = arr[0] ;
for (m[0]=arr[0], j=1; j<len; j++) {
m[j] = dp_max(m[j-1]+arr[j], arr[j]) ;
if (m[j]>=max) {
max = m[j] ;
e = j ;
if (m[j] == arr[j])
s = j ;
printf("\n\nMax Contiguous Sequence starts@ %d and ends@ %d and sums to %d\n", s, e, max) ;
return max ;
int main()
int i, arr[MAX_N] ;
freopen("dp_max_contiguous_subseq.in", "r", stdin) ;
i = 0 ;
while (scanf("%d", &arr[i]) != EOF) i++ ;
dp_max_contiguous_subseq(arr, i) ;
return 0;
Useful Bit-manipulation Functions
/* Function to print binary representation of a number */
void printBinary(int n)
int i ;
for (i=31; i>=0; i--)
printf("%d", ((1<<i & n))?1:0) ;
printf("\n") ;
/* Function to get 2's complement of a number */
int get2scomplement(int n)
int i, k=0 ;
for (i=0; i<32; i++)
k |= ~(1<<i | n) ;
k+=1 ;
return k ;
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